It’s important for parents to look for ways to demonstrate resilience at home, at school and in other environments. Parents are the first and most important example of a healthy response to anxiety-provoking situations.

Although we all feel anxious from time to time, parents often ask how to help their child navigate those feelings.

Because your mental health affects your child’s mental health, it’s important to learn and demonstrate healthy ways to cope with challenging or anxiety-provoking situations.  It’s kind of like putting the oxygen mask on yourself first, before helping your child.

By exemplifying resilience, you can help your child develop and imitate healthy coping skills to prevent and reduce anxiety. Here are three things you can do:

1. Show Your Weaknesses

When you talk to your child about your struggles, this makes it okay to be vulnerable. Talk about a time when you felt worried and how you overcame it. Being willing to share fosters a safe environment for your child be themselves and talk about their feelings, without fear of judgement.

2. React Positively to Failure in the Moment

Talk about a time when you failed, and how you overcame it. Because failure is inevitable, reacting in a positive manner demonstrates that failure is not connected to our worth or confidence. As the saying goes, “If you fail, never give up because F.A.I.L. means First Attempt In Learning.”

3. Take Time Out for Yourself

Allowing yourself time for self-care is not selfish as it strengthens your mental health. When you are mentally healthy, you will find more opportunities to give your loved ones the attention and genuine connection they need.

Learn Coping Skills to Build Resilience in Your Family

The Resilience Kit Program helps children who struggle with their emotions learn better ways to cope with life’s challenges. This is a five-session program delivered face-to-face to Perth children and teens. The Resilience Kit Program consists of evidence-based strategies designed to help children improve their ability to regulate their emotions, enhance helpful self-talk and develop constructive behaviours.
Learn more about the Resilience Kit Program here or call 0481 369 446.

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